2024-2025 School Year
Marietta Clubhouse - 6:30-8:30am | M-F & 3:00-7:00 pm | M-F
Belpre Clubhouse - 2:00pm-6:00 pm | M-F
Beverly/Waterford Clubhouse - 2:00-6:00 pm | M-F
Inclement Weather & Holidays
The Belpre Clubhouse will be open from 7:30 am - 6 pm if the school is closed for snow days, holidays, or two-hour delays as long as staff can get to the Clubhouse safely.
The Marietta Clubhouse will be open from 7:30 am- 6 pm on snow days for Marietta City Schools (MCS). If your child does not attend MCS, the Clubhouse will not be open all day. Youth will need to pack a lunch.
The Marietta Clubhouse will be open for most Holidays/Scheduled days off for MCS. If your child does not attend MCS, the Club will not be open all day. Youth will need to pack a lunch.
All times are subject to change.
A.M. Marietta Clubhouse Only
Marietta High School students get picked up at the corner of Franklin Street at 6:50 am.
Marietta Elementary, Washington Elementary, and Phillips Elementary Schools are picked up at 8:30 am.
Warren Elementary students will be picked up at the Clubhouse at 7:50 am.
Williamstown Elementary students get picked up by the Marietta Clubhouse van at 2:50 and are dropped off at the Clubhouse by 3:20.
Marietta High School students are dropped off by bus at the Marietta Clubhouse at 3:05.
Warren Middle School students get dropped off by bus at the Marietta Clubhouse at 3:30.
Students at the various Marietta elementary schools (Marietta, Phillips, Washington) get dropped off at the Marietta Clubhouse by bus at 3:50 and 4:10.
Warren Elementary students get dropped off by bus at the Marietta Clubhouse at 4:30.
The Belpre Bus arrives at the Belpre Clubhouse at approximately 2:45.
Annual Membership is $50 per year, per child
School year fee for before school is $25 per month for youth in Kindergarten - 5th grade
Youth in 6th grade and above are only required to pay the $50 Annual Membership Fee
Invoice Paying
Cash and Check Payments can be handed in at your youth’s Clubhouse. A paper receipt will be given to you.
Make Checks payable to “BGCWC” or “Boys & Girls Club of Washington County”
BGCWC does offer payments by credit/debit card & ACH through the MCH Parent Portal which can be accessed by clicking here.