Our Youth Programs
The following list is of all of programs offered at the Club. Not all programs are offered at the same time.
Have you ever wondered how food grows, what all those worms and bugs do, and why manure is so important? Our gardening program will answer those questions. Thanks to Marcus McCartney, OSU Extension Office, we are able to teach members about how to raise their own food. We have four raised gardens that are tilled, cleaned, and cared for by our members. Throughout the summer, children will get to watch as their plants grow, learn about insects, and even taste their hard work.
SMART Moves is a targeted program in BGCA’s Health and Wellness core program area that supports Healthy Lifestyles. BGCA's SMART Moves programs and resources are developmentally appropriate and meets all age groups.
Triple Play (mind)
Since the early Boy’s Clubs, the gamesroom has been the hub of the Club program. It is a place where Club members are able to take part in a wide variety of games and activities and can socialize with their friends. Although the gamesroom appears to be chaotic-because most of the noise level and the number of different activities happening at the same time-it is actually a rich environment in which informal guidance, mentoring and character development are occurring.
Triple Play (body)
Promotes physical literacy by boosting a Club’s traditional activity with games accessible to all youth. Locomotor Skills, Foot Skills, Stick Skills, Acrobatic Skills, Fitness Skills, Performance Skills, Offensive Skills, Defensive Skills.
Triple Play (soul)
Promotes resilience through activities and project-based learning grounded in social and emotional development. Self-Efficacy, Perseverance, Relationship-Building, Teamwork, Empathy, Identifying Emotions, Impulse Control, Stress Management, Identifying Problems, Solving Problems.
High-Yield Learning Activities (HYLA)
High-yield activities are designed to provide youth with fun experiences that are hands-on, interactive and intentionally develop critical thinking or other skills. Sometimes described as “fun with a purpose,” they help members gain new knowledge or skills or reinforce those learned in school; experience new ways to apply knowledge already gained; engage in creative expression; test their own solutions to real-world issues; and/or work in groups to achieve a goal.
Edmentum is the leading provider of K-12 digital curriculum, assessments, and services to 43,000 schools in all 50 states and over 100 countries worldwide. We partner with educators to create instructional technology that is proven, easy-to-use, individualized, and aligned to state standards.
KidSmartz™ is a child safety program that educates youth and families about preventing abduction and abuse and empowers kids in grades K-5 to practice safer behaviors. Through various engaging and ageappropriate activities, the program helps protect kids by introducing four rules of personal safety. The program goals are to help families and children:
• Understand safety risks
• Learn about self-protection strategies
• Feel empowered to report unsafe interactions
Healthy Habits
Another program brought to us from OSU Extension Office (Greta Lynch). This program teaches kids that being physically active is just as important as eating healthy. It teaches them that what they put into their bodies is important. This program helps kids understand what makes foods unhealthy, how to prepare healthy meals and snacks, and the basics of good overall hygiene.
Ultimate Journey
In order to imagine great futures for generation to come, we need to work toward a great future for our planet. Conserving our shared heritage, natural and cultural resources, and connecting youth and Clubs to the environment is a key goal of Ultimate Journey.
Southeastern Ohio Counseling Centers (SOCC)
Staff from SOCC will join our kids and teach them strategies to use when faced with difficulties in life. Staff will work on mindfulness, emotional intelligence, calm down techniques.
Youth for Unity
BGCA’s Youth for Unity program provides youth and parents with the groundwork that will help them better understand diversity and combat prejudice, bigotry and discrimination. This program consists of a comprehensive, broad-based set of activities and conversation starters that build the capacity of local Clubs to help members appreciate themselves as unique and special individuals; understand our society’s diversity; recognize bias and unfairness; and take personal leadership in confronting bias
Computer Science
Computer Science provides you with a gateway to learn how to be a code ninja – a veritable hacker ready to make the next Facebook overnight. Can you take the Computer Science challenge to earn your very own CS Master Badge? Find out!
Does your child dream of being a mad scientist or of building skyscrapers? Do they often wonder just how the world around them works? Our DIY: STEM (Do It Yourself, Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) program is perfect for them! Each week, your child will explore different fields of our STEM program by using every day products.
Summer Brain Gain (All Groups)
Another BGCA exclusive and unique program to keep kids learning during summer break. A team composed of Youth Development Professionals from the field, worked with National BGCA Staff to create an updated approach to summer learning. Social-emotional learning is integrated into dynamic, project-based learning opportunities.
Music Makers
The goal of MusicMakers National Music Education Program is to promote young people’s natural love of music and to increase their appreciation of this art form while building their skills so they can express themselves using instruments such as the guitar or drums.
Youth of the Year Leadership Program
Youth of the Year is our signature effort to foster a new generation of leaders, fully prepared to live and lead in a diverse, global and integrated world economy.
In the 21st-century world and workplace, leadership skills such as communication, goal-setting and teamwork are essential for everyone - especially young people preparing to meet the challenges of adolescence and adulthood.