Belpre Club Update

Hello Families,

Welcome back from holiday break and happy new year! With the start of the new year and second half of the school year we will be changing our daily programming. On the following page a copy of our schedule can be found. Below you will find descriptions of the new programs.

All programming except for Project Learn is optional for members to participate in. Project Learn, or our homework time, is also an opportunity for members to get additional assistance in any areas of need. Examples being, practicing flashcards, extra reading time, or memorizing vocabulary.

Our new program Smart Girls Club allows members to explore their own societal attitudes and values as they build skills for eating right, staying physically fit, getting good health care and developing positive relationships with peers and adults. Passport to Manhood is similar to smart girls Passport to Manhood represents a targeted effort to engage young boys in discussions and activities that reinforce character, leadership and positive behavior. Both of these programs are for members 8 years old and up.

Triple Play is a dynamic wellness program that is designed to help youth create opportunities to take charge of their personal health and wellness. This program is available to all members.

I would also like to introduce you all to our new staff member, Larry Burke Jr. Mr. Larry has a history working with older youth by coaching basketball and baseball. He will be helping with reading homework in our library and will be a great addition to our Club.

The Club will be closed on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 20th. This is also a reminder that The Boys & Girls Club Belpre Site is only open after school. On snow days the Club will be closed, but will operate normally for 2 hour delays or scheduled early releases.


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